San Pablo Talk Back

San Pablo, California

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    This blog is for us, the people of San Pablo and guests, to share information and concerns about our city, our government, our schools, our neighborhoods, our businesses, our religious centers, and any and all issues we deem important. It is also for us to ‘talk back’ to each other and government about the issues and questions that concern us. We commit to be respectful of each other. There is much we can accomplish working together.
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Posted by xaviervir on May 4, 2010

At last nights City Council meeting after everyone had spoken against Eminent Domain, City Councilman,  Morris presented a resolution banning the use of Eminent Domain in the city of San Pablo.  The Council members voted in favor of the ban with the exception of Councilman Cruz.  Councilman Cruz decided not to vote on the matter (abstained).  This is what I witnessed  last night, but I’ll feel better when it appears in the paper.  There was nothing about this in this mornings paper, but I expect to see an article by newspaper reporter, Tom Lockner who was at the meeting  and has been covering our story since February.  So, it appears that we may have won the fight against Eminent Domain. The question is ‘how long is the ban’ against the use of Eminent Domain – 4 years,  12 years or forever?  Stay tuned.


(Email from Councilman Morris to Shelby:)

—- Forwarded Message —-
From: Paul V. Morris <>
To: shelby chapel
Sent: Tue, May 4, 2010 2:29:32 PM
Subject: Re: May 3 council meeting

Hello Ms. Chapel:

I made a motion for the city council to ban the use of eminent domaine altogether – the council voted 4 to 1 abstention (Cruz) in support of my motion. It is “No” on eminent domaine. It just did not make sense to me to have such a “tool” in place when when a) we have only used the procedure 8 times in the past 40 years with no abuse of it and b) we have no money to spend anyway.

Please contact me at my office if you require any further information at (510) 412-2242.

Paul Morris.

5 Responses to “WHAT JUST HAPPENED?”

  1. Dear San Pablo citizens fighting ED,

    I have emailed Councilman Morris asking him to explain what happened.

    If I get a response, I will pass it on.

    Marilynne L. Mellander

  2. Here is a video interview with 19 year San Pablo resident, Caroline Guzman:

  3. nubody1 said

    Caroline:You don’t look horrible at all. You look like an attractive young woman articulating her position very well. It takes guts to stand in front of a camera. Thanks for showing up to help our community. We need more young people like you to help organize and communicate to our people how decisions at city hall affect all of us. Stay tuned to the blog and be thinking about how San Pablo can be made better for us, the people that live here. What do your friends think? Would they be willing to post here and let us know? Take care and good luck.

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